Rome and America: The Connection

By: Ascher Filice

Rome and America: The connection 

If you have not heard of ancient Rome, I recommend you look it up. The history of ancient Rome, in my eyes, has 4 chapters: the kingdom, the republic, the shift, and the empire. You saw that right, ancient Rome was once a republic. Nor was this a short amount of time either, the republic era lasted from 509 BC to 27 BC.

Now for the connection. The roman republic and the american republic have many things in common, such as a senate, but there are much deeper and harder to believe connections. Most of the general republic would wave this off as “conspiracy theory’ but as they say, history repeats itself. Some of the harder-to-believe facts is that both Rome and America rose from a king of whom was absolute, and while America declared independence, Rome threw their king out altogether. And, if history indeed repeats itself, America, land of the free, will see the rise of a dictator, and once said dictator passes, there will be a power struggle in which a new era for the U.S will arise.

Anywho, back to Rome, another similarity is the national symbol, the eagle, of which some believe is a phoenix. It is a possibility, although I could not find any evidence that the roman symbol was a phoenix, although Rome IS one of two nations to mention the mythological creature.

If history indeed repeats itself, we are most likely going to end up as an empire just like Rome. Although our constitution and government are different from the late republic, a president can and has claimed executive powers similar to the events that led to the roman republic’s downfall. Whether the man to gain these powers is Trump, or someone else in the future we shall see.


Phoenix information – |

Roman information – | |